What Love Is

Enjoy my work for the Skio Music remix contest of the Zimmer90 song “What Love Is”. In the original stems I loved the jumping bass and tried to create an intro in the style of Billie Eilish “Bad Guy”. My submission at Skio Music: https://skiomusic.com/r/sZz

My remix on Soundcloud:

My remix on Youtube:

This is the original song:

She’s On My Mind

At radioeins, a radio station in Berlin, there is a radio show “Zwei auf EINS” every Sunday morning, in which the moderators sometimes play VERY alternative/weird music, probably with the intention to wake up the audience in a Sunday morning. This Sunday they found a pearl: Romy with “She’s On My Mind”. I love how the jumping piano chords are hand in hand with the rolling beat. Beautiful!